Additional Advisory in order to intensify our campaign towards the prevention of the spread of COVID-19

In order to intensify our campaign towards the prevention of the spread of COVID-19, PMMA hereby issues the following additional advisory:

1.      PMMA Guests and Visitors

  1.  The Academy shall be implementing No Guest/Visitor effective immediately;
  2. In the event of inevitable circumstances where DOH, DILG, LGU personnel and the like need to enter PMMA premises, “No Face Mask, No Entry Policy” shall be implemented. Those with fever with or without symptoms shall be denied entry. Visitors with travel history to or residing in a country/are with reported local transmission of COVID-19 and with symptoms, shall be referred to the nearest local health facility or to their health facility of choice.

2.      The Academy security forces shall ensure the strict implementation of screening through checklist of symptoms, travel history, and temperature checking of cadets, employees and their dependents, guests and visitors upon entry to PMMA premises. They will be equipped with thermal scanners and checklists and shall inform the Medical Unit of those with symptoms for proper action.

3.      Along with social distancing, the most effective way of containing the spread of COVID-19 is proper hand and respiratory hygiene and behavioral etiquette.

4.      Other suggested preventive measures include:

  1. Washing of hands with soap and water and thermo scanning shall be complied by all PMMA entrants at the entry gates;
  2. Public utility vehicles shall only be given limited PMMA access;
  3. Alternative work arrangements such as flexi-time, staggered work hours, and work from home are advocated to minimize contract hours;
  4. All employees are also obliged to observe social distancing; hence, mass gatherings and long indoor face-to-face meetings are discouraged. Log books per building shall replace the biometric attendance;
  5. Color coding of PMMA identification cards of employees for purposes of knowing those with travels to DOH identified COVID-19 areas is also recommended;
  6. List of persons under monitoring (PUM) and persons under investigation (PUI) will be submitted to the barangay health workers in charge of PMMA area in congruence with DILG/LGU and DOH reporting guidelines.

Let us continue to be vigilant in this time of global health crisis, stay healthy, practice social distancing, and heed to the guidelines and announcements of proper authorities.

Together, we will overcome this. May God bless us all.
