With our aim of improving the research performance of the Academy and as part of its continuing development, the PMMA Department of Research and Development would like to invite interested professionals to become member of the editorial board of WAVES Journal of Maritime Research who will review and evaluate submitted manuscripts to the journal, thus contribute to the Academy’s research culture improvement.

The WAVES Journal of Maritime Research is published annually through the Department of Research and Development that envisions conducting groundbreaking research and development projects affecting the maritime education and maritime industry.

Some possible research topics/areas covered in the journal include:

  • Latest trends in ship manning and safety
  • Educational technology in maritime education and training
  • Port management and operations
  • Women in the maritime industry
  • Assessment of maritime education policies and processes
  • Transport management systems
  • Efficacy of PMMA educational processes (instructional, management, policy, etc) in the development of quality merchant marine officers
  • Graduate tracer studies

Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers:

  • Review research articles submitted to the journal for further improvement before publication
  • Ensure journal integrity and suggest topics improvement
  • Provide a timely submission of reviewed manuscripts
  • Provide complete and detailed comments/reviews
  • Preserve confidentiality within the manuscript that is under review

Professional Requirements for interested individuals:

  • Have a good command of oral and written English
  • Have a relevant academic degree (preferably Doctorate degree in any field of specialization)

Interested reviewers are requested to submit their Curriculum Vitae along with their journal publications, areas of interests and expertise and previous peer review and editing experience to [email protected]. All qualified reviewers will be given Certificate of Appreciation for being a part of the PMMA WAVES Journal of Maritime Research Editorial team.