CHED-MARINA, DICT Visits PMMA prior to the Pilot Testing of the NEW BSMT and BSME Curriculum

The MARINA Administrator VADM Robert A Empedrad AFP (Ret), together with Dr. Maria Teresita M. Semana CHEDRO III Director and Engr. Antonio Edward Padre DICT Assistant Regional Director , visited the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy to assess its readiness in implementing its Learning Module System, which was developed by the Academy in partnership with Seaversity.

In its 200 years of existence, the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy has always been committed to provide the best education to its students while also serving the nation. The LMS is the Academy’s response to the challenges posed by the pandemic. The new normal has paved the way for the Academy to focus on enhancing its delivery of education through the use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology. VADM Empedrad, together with Dr. Semana, Engr. Padre and their staff, were given a tour of the facilities and equipment that will be utilized in the delivery of the blended learning system. Faculty members from both colleges demonstrated to the visitors the capabilities of both the LMS and the AR and VR, as an alternative way of facilitating learning.

The Academy also presented to CHED-MARINA the New BSMT and BSMarE programs that will be pilot tested this 1st Semester of the Academic year 2020-2021. The said curriculum aims to improve and revolutionize the Maritime Education and Training in the country. It promises to better equip maritime students with the right knowledge and skills that they could use onboard ships as officers. The new curriculum is also geared towards the application of Education 4.0 which pushes for the use of non-traditional tools for learning-basically the “Internet of things” and PMMA will never stop striving to innovate and help further raise the quality of Filipino Merchant Officers and Mariners.