Congresswoman Cheryl Deloso-Montalla’s message to the PMMA MASAKBAYAN Class of 2020

“Being a graduate of the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy has its corresponding duties and responsibilities not only to yourself but also to your family, to your country and to the world. And at the end of the day, you will be measured not by your financial gains as PMMA graduate or the accolades that you will receive for being an exemplar in your chosen career. But by how you live your life as an individual and as a transient inhabitant of this Earth…And so gentlemen, as I extend my warmest felicitations on your graduation, I ask all of you to be a good man, a good person, or a good woman. For yourself, for your country, and for the world.”

-PMMA Board of Trustees Member, Congresswoman Cheryl Deloso-Montalla’s message to the MASAKBAYAN Class of 2020