Filipino Seafarers are Resilient Key Workers

Filipino Seafarers are Resilient Key Workers

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, seafarers are among the key workers at the frontline to ensure that the flow of vital goods, such as food, medicines and medical supplies is maintained. However, they are at a difficult situation due to uncertainties and difficulties related to port access, re-supply, crew changeovers and repatriation.

Today, June 25, the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy pays tribute to all seafarers, including our alumni and second class cadets aboard foreign vessels. We acknowledge their sacrifices – being away from home for long period of time, unsure of when they will be able to return home and be with their families due to travel restrictions. We also recognize that seafarers are key workers, who must be provided with the support and assistance to all frontline workers during this pandemic. Faced with all the issues and concerns heightened by this pandemic, seafarers remains resilient.

To further buoy them up as they sail, it is our hope and pray that everyone treat seafarers with utmost respect and dignity and give them the highest commendation they deserve as they continue to provide their vital services to keep the world trade moving. 

Happy International Day of the Seafarers!