KGJSM Donates High End Marine Simulators to PMMA

KGJSM is a manning agency incorporated in 1993 and duly registered Philippine Company where Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Skipsrederi A/S of Norway is the parent organization.

KGJSM has a pool of more than 1,800 highly competent and qualified seafarers from the Philippines and other countries. It operates various types of ships like specially designed Cement Carriers, OBOs, BTGs, and Suez and Aframax Tankers, about 40 vessels in its fleet.

It is worth mentioning the KGJS Business Ethics:

To Speak the Truth.
To be Honest and exercise a high standard of Integrity.
To work hard and conscientiously.
To be cost Conscious.
To be Loyal towards the company at all times.

In a simple ceremony in the offices KGJSM on 4 September 2020, Capt Morten S Johnsen, George Frange and Ricky Oleo turned over the marine simulators for maritime education and training (MET):

  1. Transas NT-Pro 5000, a full mission ship handling simulator;
  2. Transas TechSim 5000, 1 + 5 eningine room simulators;
  3. Ari Radar/ARPA/ECDIS simulators, 1 + 3

Commodore Joel Y. Abutal, PMMA Superintendent; Capt Reynold Sabay, Asst Superintendent for Academic, Training, Research and Extension and Engr. Raul Go, Director of PMMA ITS received the Deed of Donation from KGJS.

It has been discussed and agreed that the said simulators will go a long way to serve the learning/training needs of PMMA Midshipmen/Women through the years amidst the new normal. Commodore Abutal, in behalf of the management and staff of PMMA, expressed his sincere gratitude over the generous gesture of KGJS. Such was a clear demonstration of the vision of KGJS in collaboration with PMMA,  to serve its shipping principals.

The donation further strengthened what is already an excellent relationship between PMMA and KGJS as well as the Philippines and Norway. The installation and commissioning of the simulators in PMMA is targeted to be completed on or before the end of September, 2020.