Philippine Merchant Marine Academy remains ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Philippine Merchant Marine Academy remains ISO 9001:2015 Certified Following its mandate in providing quality education to the future maritime leaders, the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy from November 24-26, 2021 has subjected itself to the DNV ISO 9001:2015 Audit. The three-day audit examined sampled process areas of the Academy to see if the quality management system is effective and efficient. The opening meeting was attended by the top management, after it, the audit kicked off starting with the interview with the top management. For the next days, Ms. Reyes from the DNV has audited the different offices of the Academy. Upon the completion of the Day 3 audit, it was found out that the Academy’s Quality Management System is efficient and effective. The audit has found 4 Observations and 1 Opportunity for Improvement with zero non-conformities. Truly PMMA despite the pandemic has been continually improving its services to better serve its stakeholders. With this, the PMMA certification is valid and will still be in effect for the next year.