PMMA Coronavirus Advisory!!!


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SAN NARCISO, ZAMBALES – The Medical Unit of the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy headed by international health academician Dr. Oscar Cristito L. Rosete conducted a symposium focusing on the much publicized Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) at the VADM Richard U Ritual Amphitheater, PMMA Complex, San Narciso, Zambales on January 28, 2020. The event entitled “Coronavirus Advisory” was graced by the PMMA Superintendent, Commodore Joel Y Abutal and participated by the PMMA cadets and employees; invited Barangay Natividad Health Workers headed by their Barangay Captain Aproniano L. Balaba Jr.; and the PMMA listed boarding house owners and caretakers. The well attended symposium aimed at disseminating information on the new strain of coronavirus affecting humans, and stressed on the World Health Organization standard recommendations on prevention, complimented by the local Department of Health’s latest counter measures and recommendations.

Commodore Abutal’s inspirational message later in the event reiterated that although the transmission of the new strain is happening at a fast rate with no available cure yet, observing the counter measures listed by both the WHO and DOH are still the main defense in preventing the spread and contamination. The Commodore also reminded cadets of their vulnerability as international cross border workers; and enjoined all symposium participants and guests to cooperate and be vigilant in reporting the alleged flu-like symptoms to the nearest medical facility available when observed.