PMMA Knowledge Center

Inauguration of the PMMA-AMOSUP Knowledge Center

The legacy of Captain Gregorio S. Oca lives on through the newly built PMMA-AMOSUP Knowledge Center which will serve as the country’s premiere maritime institution’s New Library. 

The AMOSUP donated the two story building with hopes that it will be an avenue for students to sharpen their minds as they continue their studies to become future maritime leaders. 

Commo Abutal highlighted in his speech how grateful the PMMA community is with the donation of AMOSUP and he also considers that the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific is a sister school of the Academy. Commo Abutal further stated that indeed the life of Captain Oca is really fruitful and that his memory continue to live on in every maritime students and professionals in the country. 

Dr. Conrado F.Oca is also proud that PMMA and MAAP are not in competition but rather they are existing in order to cooperate with each other. He added that both institutions could use the resources of one another in order to further hone the skills and knowledge of their respective students.

Present in the event also is the president of MAAP VADM Eduardo Ma Sanatos AFP (Ret.) and C/E Chito Majabague President of the PMMA Alumni Association. It was indeed a momentous occasion, the joy was shared with the PMMA Community and its partners in committing to produce competent seafarers.