PMMA-PMA hand in hand in adapting to the evolving field of education

For the past semester, the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy has used the Learning Management System that was developed by Seaversity. The efforts of PMMA have been seen by the Philippine Military Academy. Last 22 January 2021, the PMMA Superintendent welcomed the PMA delegation led by CDR ALLAN P OABEL PN, Assistant Chief of Academy Staff for Plans and Programs, MA5. They are going to benchmark on the PMMA LMS since they are exploring the possibility to procure e-Learning Services and the benchmarking will aid them in the scoping of the terms of references.
The delegation was accompanied by Seaversity, the developer of the PMMA LMS, and they were toured around the campus and shown the facilities and equipment that are used in e-learning as well as the on-premises servers. Truly that in every challenge that comes our way, we could get by it through creativity and the acceptance of change.
As Margaret Fuller said, “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” PMMA hopes that this is a start of a fruitful and meaningful exchange of knowledge and engagement in pursuit of excellent and effective education and training of the Filipino youth.