Graduate School Programs

PMMA Graduate School

The PMMA Graduate School, established in 1993, is the first maritime graduate school in the Philippines. It offers Master in Shipping Management andMaster in Maritime Education and Training. These programs will equip the students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become competent managers in their chosen field. It will also hone their ability to think critically and enhance analytical skills.

The Master of Science in Shipping Management aims to advance and professionalize the shipping business practice in the country and improve it to become globally competitive. The art of shipping management inculcates among the students the value of holistic approach towards the understanding of issues, concerns and solution of problems in the maritime industry.

The Master of Science in Maritime Education and Training is designed to respond to the needs of maritime institutions in upgrading maritime education through professional development of the faculty and academic personnel of maritime schools. It also seeks to train more proficient maritime educators not only by virtue of the educational principles and methods but with deeper understanding of the subject matters.